Full Moon in Scorpio Ritual Guide
Sun in Taurus, Moon in Scorpio. The axis of stability and revolution, the need to ground and the need to reinvent, sustaining life and sustaining death. The intensity of this polarity is as affirming as it is disorienting, reinforcing our most basic opposing impulses.
Sun in Taurus, Moon in Scorpio. The axis of stability and revolution, the need to ground and the need to reinvent, sustaining life and sustaining death. The intensity of this polarity is as affirming as it is disorienting, reinforcing our most basic opposing impulses.
Moon exact full on Monday, April 26th, 2021, at 8:31pm PST.
Scorpio is associated with the Death card in tarot, and the deep, dark passion of this sign urges us to see the beauty in the constant cycles of death and rebirth playing out around and within in us. This embrace of impermanence runs counter to the influence of the Taurus sun, shining down warmth, inviting us to put down roots and carve our desires into stone. The secret to navigating this conflict is refuse to choose sides - you can do both.
The full moon in Scorpio is our annual opportunity to rip our habits out by the root, turning the soil to create a nurturing place for new saplings to grow.
Mars and Pluto both lay claim to ruling Scorpio. Pluto is the newcomer, stepping into the role only after its relatively recent discovery just under a century ago. While Mars has a reputation for more straightforward (necessary) destruction, Pluto has a more mysterious energy that speaks to destruction and resurrection, the transmutation of form through death and rebirth. With these planets, we bring The Tower and Judgment cards into the mix.
The deeply personal axis of Taurus/Scorpio shines a light on what we cannot live without and cannot live with. This full moon illuminates whatever area of life or situation needs a serious overhaul. Something you thought needed repair may be beyond salvation. An impulse to cling to a security blanket may be a signal to let everything else fall away, opening a radical revolution of Self. If there is any part of your soul you’ve been avoiding eye contact with, stare it in the face now. The support you have from the Universe for transforming your personal world, and even your identity, is vast and it is compassionate.
Be a strong, but gentle leader and you walk yourself forward into the unknown. While you cannot take all of your creature comforts with you beyond this point, you are set to gain something far more valuable - truth. You are loved, you are supported, and you are ready for the next stage in your evolution.
This ritual is designed to bring you into deep understanding with the parts of yourself that don’t often see the light of day and to allow you to face the future ready and renewed.
Use what you have on hand in your home. Work with what you have, both in terms of physical items and knowledge and experience. Be more concerned with doing what is authentic to you than with what is “correct”. The most correct thing is the thing the you truly connect with and evolve through. You have everything you need.
Gather what you have of the following:
CLEANSER: sage, palo santo, incense, energy cleansing spray, selenite wand, a bell – whatever you use to clear the energy of your space is great.
IMAGES: Print outs or drawings of The Tower, Death, Judgment, and Ace of Cups cards (you’ll want to keep the actual cards in your deck to use for readings)
CANDLES: One 7-day ritual candles (the tall kind in glass). Either black OR a color of your choosing. If you don’t have ritual candles, you can use tea candles or simply follow the clearing, incantation, and visualization prompts.
CANDLE DRESSINGS: For black candle - sesame oil, dried lavender flower. For any other color - jasmine oil, flaxseed. If you are using a ritual candle and it is pre-dressed, leave it be.
ADDITIONAL ITEMS: Any crystals or other symbolic items you wish to include. Ideally, selenite wand, black tourmaline, moonstone, and chrysocolla. If you don’t have these, feel free to improvise with what you have on hand.
PRACTICAL THINGS: matches, a pen, a napkin or paper towel to wipe oil from your finger.
Perform the ritual:
STEP 1: Clear the energy of your space, then close your eyes and take 3 deep cleansing breaths to ground yourself in space and time.
STEP 2: Place the cards in the center of your altar area all in one stack on this order - The Tower (accept destruction), Death (release control), Judgment (dig out the roots), Ace of Cups (accept Divine love). Place the candle on top and arrange the crystals around the candle.
STEP 3: For black candle - Place a drop of sesame oil on top of the candle and trace it around 3 times counter-clockwise, then sprinkle a tiny bit of crumbled dried lavender on top. For non-black candle - Place a drop of jasmine oil on top of the candle and trace it around 3 times clockwise, then sprinkle a tiny bit of flaxseed on top.
STEP 4: light the candle and say “I am who I have always been and who I have never been before. Everyone I am in loved. Everyone I am is exactly where they need to be.”
STEP 5: Close your eyes and spend a few minutes drawing your attention inward, deeper and deeper into the core of your being. As you travel inward, you become smaller and smaller, a tiny consciousness inside your physical form. From this vantage point, you can observe the contents of your unconscious self floating by. What do you see? Is it bright and easy to make out shapes? Dark and mysterious? Is there anything that strikes you as you observe? How do you feel? Make a mental note of all of this. When your note is complete, you feel something appear in your hand. Open your hand and see if you can decipher what this object means, what it is inviting you to move toward or away from. Then, using your breath, begin to grow larger and larger until your conscious self once again fills your physical being. As you fill your body, you feel it is heavier than usual and realize you are wearing a very thick wool coat, soaked with rain, weighing you down and stealing your warmth. Straighten your spine and throw it off. That coat that served you at the start of your psychic winter has become a burden. You are free to discard it and walk away. When you again feel light and warm, gently open your eyes. Repeat this visualization daily for 7 days. If you are using tea candles, dress and light a new one each day and repeat the incantation.
New Moon in Aries Ritual Guide
Sun in Aries, Moon in Aries. New moons bring us fresh energy in their sign, renewal, the chance to put stakes in the ground for new beginnings. In Aries, our independence and natural instincts for leadership are lit up by the warm blaze of cardinal Fire.
Sun in Aries, Moon in Aries. New moons bring us fresh energy in their sign, renewal, the chance to put stakes in the ground for new beginnings. In Aries, our independence and natural instincts for leadership are lit up by the warm blaze of cardinal Fire.
Moon conjunct Sun exact on Sunday, April 11th, 2021, at 7:31PM PST.
Passionate calls to action, confrontations with restricting standards, and release of any ability to keep yourself small are all on the table. The old roles no longer fit. It’s time to flex your literal and metaphorical muscles and take the lead on defining who and what you are in the world.
Accept the invitation of this Aries moon to step into your personal power.
Aries is associated with The Emperor, a figure that is often misunderstood in tarot as representing tyranny. It is true that when poorly expressed, tyranny can manifest within Emperor energy, but the core of this wisdom revolves around taking charge without taking advantage. Aries’ ruling planet, Mars, is associated with The Tower. Here we see the need to break with stale standards that is required for the highest incarnation of The Emperor to come to life. Think more “leading with love” and less “my way or the highway”.
How have you kept yourself or your work small to avoid upsetting the status quo? Are there internalized barriers holding you back from filling in all the details of your ultimate vision for your life? Is there something you want to see in the world that no one else can or is willing to provide? If you could lead others to invest their time and energy in one thing, what would it be? The greatest leadership depends on inspiration and motivation. To lead effectively, you must deeply believe in what you are asking others to devote their resources to - this includes you!
This ritual is designed to ignite the torch of your most deeply held convictions, to open awareness of what you are uniquely equipped to champion in this world. You may be surprised by what you find beneath the surface of perceived limitations and possibilities. Be patient and kind with yourself as this work unfolds. This is a deep re-boot of internal systems and patterns. Think of this as the beginning of a process that will show its first concrete manifestations at the full moon in Aries in October.
Use what you have on hand in your home. Work with what you have, both in terms of physical items and knowledge and experience. Be more concerned with doing what is authentic to you than with what is “correct”. The most correct thing is the thing the you truly connect with and evolve through. You have everything you need.
Gather what you have of the following:
CLEANSER: sage, palo santo, incense, energy cleansing spray, selenite wand, a bell – whatever you use to clear the energy of your space is great.
IMAGES: Print out or drawing of The Emperor (you’ll want to keep the actual cards in your deck to use for readings)
CANDLES: One 7-day ritual candle (the tall kind in glass) preferably orange. If you don’t have ritual candles, you can use tea candles or simply follow the clearing, incantation, and visualization prompts.
CANDLE DRESSINGS: Lavender oil and cayenne pepper. If you are using a ritual candle and it is pre-dressed, leave it be.
ADDITIONAL ITEMS: A selection of crystals - carnelian, ruby, or orange calcite, and selenite. If you don’t have these, feel free to improvise with what you have on hand, keeping within the orange/red color spectrum.
PRACTICAL THINGS: matches, a pen and paper, a napkin or paper towel to wipe oil from your finger
Perform the ritual:
STEP 1: Clear the energy of your space, then close your eyes and take 3 deep cleansing breaths to ground yourself in space and time.
STEP 2: Place the candle in the center of your altar area with the image of The Emperor in front (closest to you). Place the crystals around the altar area in a pattern of your choosing.
STEP 3: Place a drop of lavender oil on top of the candle and trace it around 3 times clockwise, then sprinkle a tiny bit of cayenne pepper on top. Lavender is calming and promotes patience, cayenne pepper ignites determination.
STEP 4: Light the candle and say “As I step into my calling as a leader, all doubt falls away and I am filled with joy and motivation.”
STEP 5: Close your eyes and spend a few minutes settling into your body. Notice how your limbs arrange themselves to keep you stable, how your breath automatically works to fill your blood with the oxygen you need. See if you can feel the oxygen enter your bloodstream and flow out into your body, pouring strength and vitality into every cell. Then, notice a bright orange flame burning in the core of your body. Take some time to gaze admiringly at this flame with your mind’s eye, watch its movement, feel its warmth. When you are ready, reach into your body and take the flame in your hand, then place your other hand over it. A transformation take place hidden in your hands. Open them back up and see what remains. Is it an object? A message? A being? What does it mean to you? How does it make you feel? Make a mental note of this. Stay in this world as long as you like, then gently open your eyes and write down what you found in your hands. Repeat this visualization daily for 7 days. If you are using tea candles, dress and light a new one each day and repeat the incantation.
Full Moon in Libra Ritual Guide
Sun in Aries, Moon in Libra. The axis of partnership and independence, lighting up any areas of our relationships that need balancing out. This is an excellent time to resolve conflicts - internal or external - around how we maintain healthy and beneficial boundaries in our most personal interactions.
Sun in Aries, Moon in Libra. The axis of partnership and independence, lighting up any areas of our relationships that need balancing out. This is an excellent time to resolve conflicts - internal or external - around how we maintain healthy and beneficial boundaries in our most personal interactions.
Moon exact full on Sunday, March 28th, 2021, at 11:49 AM PST.
Libra is symbolized by the scales, always seeking peace, balance, diplomacy. With the moon in Libra, these qualities are focused on our emotional realm, bringing that sacred stability into our hearts. Relationally, this means paying close attention to how, when, and why we prioritize the well being of others over our own and vice versa.
The full moon in Libra is our annual opportunity to communicate our needs and limits with ourselves and others, clearly and lovingly.
Libra is ruled by Venus, now conjunct the sun in Aries, pulling us to focus on love of Self first. It’s like they say on the airplane - put your own oxygen mask on before helping anyone else with theirs. This may feel uncomfortable, selfish, wrong. Remind yourself that by caring for your own needs first, you are ensuring that you have the energy stores to care for others.
The relational axis of Aries/Libra connects to the foundation of our emotional training. Whatever we were taught as children about the “correct” way to be in relationship, the values ascribed to independence and codependence, how much autonomy we were given, whether we were punished or celebrated for being ourselves. These patterns stick. Long after we have identified them, even after many years of work to undo the most harmful among them, that legacy is ours. It is not our job to erase them, it is our job to illuminate them so we can work with them, with ourselves, in a healthy and productive way.
As you dive into the energy of this moon and its pull toward relational examination, use the Libran peacemaker impulse as your guide. Make peace with yourself, with your legacy, with any past missteps no matter how big or small. Make peace with yourself so can move through the world sharing your peace with others.
This ritual is designed to balance your being and clear your heart, opening a path forward toward peace, love, and fulfillment in all relationships.
Use what you have on hand in your home. Work with what you have, both in terms of physical items and knowledge and experience. Be more concerned with doing what is authentic to you than with what is “correct”. The most correct thing is the thing the you truly connect with and evolve through. You have everything you need.
Gather what you have of the following:
CLEANSER: sage, palo santo, incense, energy cleansing spray, selenite wand, a bell – whatever you use to clear the energy of your space is great.
IMAGES: Print outs or drawings of the Justice card (you’ll want to keep the actual cards in your deck to use for readings)
CANDLES: Two 7-day ritual candles (the tall kind in glass) in different colors. When choosing, think about yourself when choosing one, then about others when choosing the other. If you don’t have ritual candles, you can use tea candles or simply follow the clearing, incantation, and visualization prompts.
CANDLE DRESSINGS: Dried rose petals, olive oil. If you are using a ritual candle and it is pre-dressed, leave it be.
ADDITIONAL ITEMS: Any crystals or other symbolic items you wish to include. Ideally, rose quartz as a central stone and any others you wish to add. If you don’t have rose quartz, feel free to improvise with what you have on hand.
PRACTICAL THINGS: matches, a pen, a napkin or paper towel to wipe oil from your finger.
Perform the ritual:
STEP 1: Clear the energy of your space, then close your eyes and take 3 deep cleansing breaths to ground yourself in space and time.
STEP 2: Place the Justice card in the center of your altar area, the candles on either side with the rose quartz in the center with the Justice card.
STEP 3: Place a drop of olive oil on top of the candle and trace it around 3 times clockwise, then sprinkle a tiny bit of crumbled dried rose petal on top. Olive oil is symbolic of pease. Rose petals bring love and abundance.
STEP 4: light the candle and say “I am full of love and compassion for my Self and the Selves of others and I make peace with all previous versions of myself.”
STEP 5: Close your eyes and spend a few minutes finding the most complete stillness you can. Breathe in for 4 counts, out for 4 counts for 4 full cycles. Then breathe in for 3 counts, out for 3 counts for 3 full cycles, then in for 2, out for 2 for 2 cycles. Finally finish with one deep, long inhale, filling your entire being with your breath and exhaling all of the air out of your lungs completely. Bring your awareness to your heart. Breathing normally, find a flicker of light in the center of your heart and grow it with every breath until your entire being is filled with the light of your heart. Then gently bring your consciousness back to the present, bringing this light with you, and open your eyes. Repeat this visualization daily for 7 days. If you are using tea candles, dress and light a new one each day and repeat the incantation.
New Moon in Pisces Ritual Guide
Sun in Pisces, Moon in Pisces. New moons bring us fresh energy in their sign, renewal, the chance to put stakes in the ground for new beginnings. In Pisces, we can access the magickal powers of understanding and transformation deep within our psyches to step into a new era.
Sun in Pisces, Moon in Pisces. New moons bring us fresh energy in their sign, renewal, the chance to put stakes in the ground for new beginnings. In Pisces, we can access the magickal powers of understanding and transformation deep within our psyches to step into a new era.
Moon conjunct Sun exact on Saturday, March 13, 2021, at 8:22AM PST.
Psychic downloads, seas of empathy and compassion, and good old fashioned cosmic weirdness are on tap with this moon, and if you play your cards right, you can make at least some of this your new … anti-normal.
Let this Piscean moon expand your consciousness and open your mind.
Pisces is associated with The Moon card in Tarot and its planetary ruler, Neptune, with The Hanged Man. Take a cue from the sixties and tune in, turn on, and drop out for a spell to get deep into the interior exploration and radically shifted perspective these cards offer. While these states are natural for Pisces, they can be very disoriented for those not well acquainted with the realm of the astrological fishes, so find a safe space and a good chuck of time to allow maximum integration of this energy.
What part of your Self needs to be seen and acknowledged by you? Is there a part of yourself you’ve neglected or turned away from because it doesn’t fit the mold of your life or society? Once you’ve travelled deep inside to find these answers, how can you forced a perspective shift on your external world? If this part of you has been suppressed due to its inability to conform with external standards, how can you break the standards to allow it to fit?
This ritual is designed to open your heart and mind to embrace the parts of you that don’t seem to fit with the life you are living. Whether you are a loud and proud weirdo with a secret reserved side, a neatly combed normie hiding a wild streak, or someone in between, there is room for you to move toward accepting more of yourself and rejecting more of the perceived standards of your world.
Use what you have on hand in your home. Work with what you have, both in terms of physical items and knowledge and experience. Be more concerned with doing what is authentic to you than with what is “correct”. The most correct thing is the thing the you truly connect with and evolve through. You have everything you need.
Gather what you have of the following:
CLEANSER: sage, palo santo, incense, energy cleansing spray, selenite wand, a bell – whatever you use to clear the energy of your space is great.
IMAGES: Print outs or drawings of The Ace of Cups, The Moon, and The Hanged Man (you’ll want to keep the actual cards in your deck to use for readings)
CANDLES: One 7-day ritual candle (the tall kind in glass) in any color but black (black is for clearing, new moons are for growing). If you don’t have ritual candles, you can use tea candles or simply follow the clearing, incantation, and visualization prompts.
CANDLE DRESSINGS: Myrrh oil and black pepper. If you are using a ritual candle and it is pre-dressed, leave it be.
ADDITIONAL ITEMS: A selection of crystals (whatever you are drawn to - blue kyanite, iolite and rose quartz are good options, moldavite if you wanna get real crazy) and mushrooms. You can decide what kind. If you don’t have these, feel free to improvise with what you have on hand.
PRACTICAL THINGS: matches, a pen, a napkin or paper towel to wipe oil from your finger
Perform the ritual:
STEP 1: Clear the energy of your space, then close your eyes and take 3 deep cleansing breaths to ground yourself in space and time.
STEP 2: Place the candle in the center of your altar area with the images of The Moon and The Hanged Man on either side and The Ace of Cups above (behind the candle). Place the crystals around the base of the candle.
STEP 3: Place a drop of myrrh oil on top of the candle and trace it around 3 times clockwise, then sprinkle a tiny bit of ground black pepper on top. Myrrh opens access to the world beyond the veil and black pepper clears away negative energies.
STEP 4: Light the candle and say “Every part of me belongs. Every part of me fits perfectly in my world. Every part of me is loved.”
STEP 5: Close your eyes and spend a few minutes listening to the sounds of your environment. If anything annoys you, gently sit with it until you can release that reaction. Repeat until you are at peace with your sonic environment exactly as it is. Then open your mind’s eye to a vision of yourself, exactly as you are right now, floating peacefully deep in outer space. The planets and stars you can see are none that exact in the known Universe. This is not the space of Earth, this is the space of YOU. See if the stars form any constellations. Do their symbols mean anything to you? Is there anything you see that you’d like to get closer to? Allow yourself the freedom to explore. This is yours. It is all a reflection of you. Enjoy it. Stay in this world as long as you like, then gently open your eyes. Repeat this visualization daily for 7 days. If you are using tea candles, dress and light a new one each day and repeat the incantation.
Full Moon in Virgo Ritual Guide
Sun in Pisces, Moon in Virgo. The axis of practical and esoteric spirituality, private daily practice and lofty beliefs and ideals. The full spectrum of mystical expression is illuminated by this moon and we are called to find value and meaning in every inch of it.
Sun in Pisces, Moon in Virgo. The axis of practical and esoteric spirituality, private daily practice and lofty beliefs and ideals. The full spectrum of mystical expression is illuminated by this moon and we are called to find value and meaning in every inch of it.
Moon exact full on Saturday, February 27th, 2020, at 12:17 AM PST.
Virgo has a well-earned reputation for attention to detail, adherence to systems and schedules, and high standards. In our modern society, we commonly attach these traits to work and career. But you know what else they’re great for? An absolutely stunning and beautiful and powerful spiritual practice.
The full moon in Virgo is our annual opportunity to polish up the reflection of our belief system and spiritual goals in our daily rituals.
Everything we do - everything - is a manifestation of our value system. The food we eat, where we get it, and how it’s grown, the clothes we wear and where they come from, the work we are drawn to and how much of ourselves we give to it. Whether we are conscious of it or not, every choice we make informs us and others and what we deem important in the world. The exterior markers we gather around ourselves act as a mirror of our inner aspirations.
When this mirror shows us an image that does not match what we feel, we encounter a sort of spiritual dysmorphia. We may suffer from feelings of heaviness or discomfort in our bodies, our hearts, and our minds, and not be able to pinpoint the source of the discomfort, leading to more heavy and confusing sensations. In these times, it is important to recognize there is nothing wrong with you. There is simply a disconnect between the lofty and mundane areas of your life. No matter what your circumstances and resources are, you can take steps right now to bring these realms into alignment.
You will not reach perfect alignment in one day, maybe never. That is not the goal. If you make small, simple adjustments, the heaviness will begin to lift and it will become easier and easier to see and implement the changes that will bring you closer and closer to a merging of your spiritual and mundane worlds.
This ritual is designed to reflect back to you what is most important in your spiritual life and connection with the Divine and how these values intersect with the patterns of your daily life, giving you clarity on steps you can take to bring these worlds into alignment.
Use what you have on hand in your home. Work with what you have, both in terms of physical items and knowledge and experience. Be more concerned with doing what is authentic to you than with what is “correct”. The most correct thing is the thing the you truly connect with and evolve through. You have everything you need.
Gather what you have of the following:
CLEANSER: sage, palo santo, incense, energy cleansing spray, selenite wand, a bell – whatever you use to clear the energy of your space is great.
IMAGES: Print outs or drawings of The Hermit and The Moon cards (you’ll want to keep the actual cards in your deck to use for readings)
CANDLES: One white or blue 7-day ritual candle (the tall kind in glass). If you don’t have ritual candles, you can use tea candles or simply follow the clearing, incantation, and visualization prompts.
CANDLE DRESSINGS: Licorice (easiest to get in a usable form in pure licorice tea), jasmine oil. If you are using a ritual candle and it is pre-dressed, leave it be.
ADDITIONAL ITEMS: Any crystals or other symbolic items you wish to include. Ideally, one piece each of moonstone and garnet. If you don’t have these, feel free to improvise with what you have on hand.
PRACTICAL THINGS: matches, a pen, a napkin or paper towel to wipe oil from your finger.
Perform the ritual:
STEP 1: Clear the energy of your space, then close your eyes and take 3 deep cleansing breaths to ground yourself in space and time.
STEP 2: Place the candle in the center of your altar area, the images of The Hermit and The Moon card on either side with the crystals on top (let your intuition guide which goes where).
STEP 3: Place a drop of jasmine oil on top of the candle and trace it around 3 times clockwise, then sprinkle a tiny bit of licorice root on top. Jasmine is the flower of the moon, connecting us to her energy and wisdom. Licorice provides the protection we need to focus on our Virgoan dedication.
STEP 4: light the candle and say “My spiritual ideals are reflected perfectly in all aspects of my life and are ever evolving under the guidance of the Universe.”
STEP 5: Close your eyes and spend a few minutes finding the most complete stillness you can. Then see yourself alone in a temple. It is perfectly calm and peaceful, charged with spiritual growth and Divine connection. As you gaze at the walls, images begin to appear, symbols of the things that are most important to you in your personal spiritual worldview. Take them in, making mental note of anything that is surprising. Once you’ve gathered all this information, the walls begin to dissolve into transparency and through them you can see symbols and scenes from your daily life. Notice where these align with the symbols on the temple walls. Do they match? Is there tension? Where do you feel your attention most drawn to? Make a mental note, then gently bring your consciousness back to the present and open your eyes. Repeat this visualization daily for 7 days. If you are using tea candles, dress and light a new one each day and repeat the incantation.
New Moon in Aquarius Ritual Guide
Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Aquarius. New moons bring us fresh energy in their sign, renewal, the chance to put stakes in the ground for new beginnings. In Aquarius, we can expect to be pulled to stand more firmly in our individuality while affirming our commitment to lifting our communities.
Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Aquarius. New moons bring us fresh energy in their sign, renewal, the chance to put stakes in the ground for new beginnings. In Aquarius, we can expect to be pulled to stand more firmly in our individuality while affirming our commitment to lifting our communities.
Moon conjunct Sun exact on Thursday, February 11th, 2021, at 11:06 AM PST.
Gorgeous Aquarian energy - independent, idealistic, compassionate - is here in FORCE doubled up in the sun and the moon, showering us with uncompromising hope rooted in a deep inner knowing that the world can be a place that truly sustains and nurtures all. And that this revolution of love starts within.
Let this new moon be the dawning of your personal Age of Aquarius.
Aquarius, associated with The Star, is ruled by Uranus, associated with The Magician. Uranus is revolutionary, pushing the cultural needle forward, ready or not. So it’s best to get ready and get psyched. It is easy to focus on what needs to be changed instead of the change itself, to get dragged down by the relentless horrors we see and hear about every day. We have the power to shift that focus. When we make this shift within ourselves, we light up, beacons in the night, calling others to do so as well, announcing it is safe to do so. It is safe to be unapologetically hopeful and driven to be a living example of an ideal world.
What is your ideal world? What can you do right now that draws that world closer, makes it a more tangible presence on this plane? How can you re-tool statements denouncing what cannot exist in your ideal world to instead reflect what MUST exist in that world? Where is your energy being wasted on unwinnable battles with unreachable foes? How can that energy be redirected to benefit those most in need who are reachable here and now?
This ritual is designed to open your perception to see the foundation of your ideal world already in place in the material plane and to fuel your imagination and your will to continue to bring it into full existence.
Use what you have on hand in your home. Work with what you have, both in terms of physical items and knowledge and experience. Be more concerned with doing what is authentic to you than with what is “correct”. The most correct thing is the thing the you truly connect with and evolve through. You have everything you need.
Gather what you have of the following:
CLEANSER: sage, palo santo, incense, energy cleansing spray, selenite wand, a bell – whatever you use to clear the energy of your space is great.
IMAGES: Print outs or drawings of The Star and The Magician (you’ll want to keep the actual cards in your deck to use for readings)
CANDLES: One 7-day ritual candle (the tall kind in glass) in any color but black (black is for clearing, new moons are for growing). If you don’t have ritual candles, you can use tea candles or simply follow the clearing, incantation, and visualization prompts.
CANDLE DRESSINGS: Frankincense oil and cinnamon. If you are using a ritual candle and it is pre-dressed, leave it be.
ADDITIONAL ITEMS: A small dish of water, a selection of crystals (labradorite, rhodonite, blue calcite, and lemurian seed quartz crystal are great), and three offering items - a small dish of honey, an apple, and fresh flowers. If you don’t have these, feel free to improvise with what you have on hand.
PRACTICAL THINGS: matches, a pen, a napkin or paper towel to wipe oil from your finger
Perform the ritual:
STEP 1: Clear the energy of your space, then close your eyes and take 3 deep cleansing breaths to ground yourself in space and time.
STEP 2: Place the candle in the center of your altar area with the images of The Star and The Magician on either side. Place the dish of water behind the candle, the crystals around the base of the candle, and the offering items in front (closest to you).
STEP 3: Place a drop of frankincense oil on top of the candle and trace it around 3 times clockwise, then sprinkle a tiny bit of cinnamon on top. Frankincense connects us with the Divine and cinnamon is a magickal accelerant.
STEP 4: Carve an “X” into the apple to mark it as an offering, then light the candle and say “My ideal world exists and is made manifest in the world just as it is manifest in my heart and mind.”
STEP 5: Close your eyes and spend a few minutes listening to the sounds of your environment. If anything annoys you, gently sit with it until you can release that reaction. Repeat until you are at peace with your sonic environment exactly as it is. Then open your mind’s eye to a vision of a world just like this one, but better, in perfect alignment with your ideals. Notice how people behave, how they treat each other, what the environment looks and smells like. Allow the full vibrant picture to come into focus. When you are ready, light up a beacon above your head. Once of the community members will see it and approach you with a note. The note conveys one step you can take right now, with the exact resources you have, to bring this world into existence. It may in words or pictures or symbols. Thank the messenger. Stay in this world as long as you like, then gently open your eyes. Repeat this visualization daily for 7 days. If you are using tea candles, dress and light a new one each day and repeat the incantation.
Full Moon in Leo Ritual
Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Leo. The axis of the public and the private self, the need to polish a public image and the desire to let our freak flag fly. Leo’s grandiosity takes a deeper focus as the water bearer seeks to cast a soothing light on the savage beast.
Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Leo. The axis of the public and the private self, the need to polish a public image and the desire to let our freak flag fly. Leo’s grandiosity takes a deeper focus as the water bearer seeks to cast a soothing light on the savage beast.
Moon exact full at Thursday, January 28th, 2020, at 11:16 AM PST.
Our deepest emotions are coming out with a roar with this Leo moon. Secret identities can no longer hide in the shadows. Anything standing in the way of our expression of our full Selves will be lit up and swept away with the tide as the moon wanes again on its journey to darkness.
The full moon in Leo is our annual opportunity to free ourselves from the fear and shame of being fully seen for who we truly are.
The majority of the past year has pushed the majority of us into seclusion. We’ve been hibernating, incubating, morphing into new versions ourselves - or rather, old versions of ourselves that have been pushed to the background by a constant need to maintain appearances and behaviors that adhere to social norms. One valuable side effect of a year that ripped so many from comfort and complacency is that it allowed an honest look at our lives and ourselves and how we interact with and show ourselves to the world. In the ruins of The Tower, we can see the ground clearly for the first time in ages.
What have you found out about yourself this past year? Which familiar roles did you fall into for better or for worse? How did you spend your time when the usual external distractions were pared down? What are you most excited to bring back out into the public world when the public world exists in a broad sense again? These are important questions to consider now, under the influence of this Leo moon, and when we still have time to make decisions and set the boundaries needed to support them.
This ritual is designed to give you insight into which version of yourself is most important for you to share with the world. We all have complex, multifaceted lives and identities. It’s too much to share all at once. Making informed and loving inquiries into our desires and our purpose helps us discern what to keep for ourselves and what to bring into the light.
Use what you have on hand in your home. Work with what you have, both in terms of physical items and knowledge and experience. Be more concerned with doing what is authentic to you than with what is “correct”. The most correct thing is the thing the you truly connect with and evolve through. You have everything you need.
Gather what you have of the following:
CLEANSER: sage, palo santo, incense, energy cleansing spray, selenite wand, a bell – whatever you use to clear the energy of your space is great.
IMAGES: Print outs or drawings of Strength and The Star cards (you’ll want to keep the actual cards in your deck to use for readings)
CANDLES: One orange or yellow 7-day ritual candle (the tall kind in glass). If you don’t have ritual candles, you can use tea candles or simply follow the clearing, incantation, and visualization prompts.
CANDLE DRESSINGS: Honey and ginger (powdered is great, but fresh is fine too). If you are using a ritual candle and it is pre-dressed, leave it be.
ADDITIONAL ITEMS: A small dish of water and any crystals or other symbolic items you wish to include. Ideally, one piece each of orange calcite and blue kyanite. If you don’t have these, feel free to improvise with what you have on hand.
PRACTICAL THINGS: matches, a pen, a napkin or paper towel to wipe honey from your finger.
Perform the ritual:
STEP 1: Clear the energy of your space, then close your eyes and take 3 deep cleansing breaths to ground yourself in space and time.
STEP 2: Place the candle in the center of your altar area, the images of Strength and The Star card on either side with the crystals on top (let your intuition guide which goes where), and the dish of water in front of that (closest to you).
STEP 3: Place a drop of honey on top of the candle and trace it around 3 times clockwise, then sprinkle a tiny bit of powdered ginger on top. If you’re using fresh ginger, place it at the base of the candle. Ginger amplifies confidence and honey sweetens the experience.
STEP 4: light the candle and say “My true self is perfect, right now, just as it is. As I share [her/them/him] with the world, I do so at my own pace, on my own terms, free from fear and rich with discernment”
STEP 5: Close your eyes and spend a few minutes finding the most complete stillness you can. See yourself as a child, whatever age is perfect. As your young self approaches, they appear full of awe, then joy as they take you in. You make eye contact and as you do, both of your beings begin to glow, then radiate beautiful bright golden light. Enjoy this radiant connection as long as you like, then ask your young self if they would like to share anything with you and if they have any questions. Engage with this conversation for as long as you like. Then bid your your young self farewell cupping a handful of the golden light in your hand and holding it over your heart. Gently bring your consciousness back to the present and open your eyes. Repeat this visualization daily for 7 days. If you are using tea candles, dress and light a new one each day and repeat the incantation.
Astrology of Tarot
Aquarius Season
The Star & The Fool
The Sun enters Aquarius on January 19, drawing our individuality and independence out into the light of day. Aquarius urges us to challenge the status quo and examine where we are sticking to it to our own detriment. The planetary ruler of Aquarius is Uranus, the planet of liberation and breaking from tradition. The Tarot cards associated with Aquarius and Uranus are The Star and The Fool respectively. Their teachings in combination inform our focus during Aquarius season.
In The Star, we find the source of the Aquarian drive to break from societal norms. It’s not that the dominant culture is too slow to change, it’s that Aquarius is all too aware that what we think of as “standard” is a minor insignificant blip in the expanse of history. In a sense, Aquarius is not marching to the beat of their own drum, it just looks that way because they’re the only one attuned to the steady beat of the ancient and eternal promised by The Star.
On the other hand, The Fool teams up with Uranus to break from tradition not through awareness of the endless stretch of time, but by collapsing the infinite expanse into the present moment. Here, we see how free we can be by detaching from sorrow for the past and anxiety about the future. When we bring our consciousness into the present we can renew ourselves, our motivations, our identities with each step, trusting the Universe will place whatever ground under our feet we need at that time.
The Star and The Fool together can be seen to negate the very existence of time. The Star speaks of eternal, of an unbroken lineage of creation and nurturing unfolding today as it always has, while The Fool invites us to be present in only this specific moment right now, free from chains to the past or future. While these concepts may seem to be opposites, they are essentially teaching us the same thing - time is not relevant. We do not need to worry about its passing because we are one with eternity and because we only ever exist in this single present moment.
The Star and The Fool bring us to the same place through different routes, urging us to find freedom in hope and joy, to recognize their constant presence in our world, their ceaseless offering of comfort through every horror the world can confront us with. Through these cards seen together, we learn that our existence is not linear, but layered, and we have the power to navigate the stratum. This navigation is not promised to be easy. It can take considerable training and practice, but it is within our power as spiritual beings existing in this human experience.
I invite you to join me in inviting the wisdom of The Star and The Fool into your life. Let hope be not an indulgence of the naive, but a trophy of the wise, and let radical presence bring joy. This is the personal freedom cherished by Aquarius.
New Moon in Capricorn Ritual Guide
Sun in Capricorn, Moon in Capricorn. New moons bring us fresh energy in their sign, renewal, the chance to put stakes in the ground for new beginnings. In Capricorn, this means a new era of grounded practicality, determination, discipline. Our first new moon of the year presents us with great support for goal setting in the Earthly realm.
Sun in Capricorn, Moon in Capricorn. New moons bring us fresh energy in their sign, renewal, the chance to put stakes in the ground for new beginnings. In Capricorn, this means a new era of grounded practicality, determination, discipline. Our first new moon of the year presents us with great support for goal setting in the Earthly realm.
Moon conjunct Sun exact at Tuesday, January 12th, 2021, at 9:00 PM PST.
The sign of Capricorn is associated with The Devil card in the Tarot. The lesson I take from this is that untying the oppressive cords that bind us, that we bind ourselves with, takes more than a shift in mindset, more than a surrender to release. These latter solutions are the territory of the Death card. The Devil challenges us to tap into the most Capricorn part of ourselves, the most tenacious, unyielding, unsentimental depth, and get to work.
The new moon in Capricorn is our annual opportunity to promise ourselves that we will not give up as we pursue even our most improbable goals.
The illustration for The Devil in Elemental Power Tarot is a pile of gold coins seen through brambles and rosemary. This is not intended as a comment on the evil of greed. The gold coins represent whatever it is within ourselves that we cannot get to due to the barriers we have allowed to accumulate between us and this precious nature. We are faced with a choice: we can sit and stare longingly through the brambles, or we can get to work, cutting them back branch by branch until we finally free ourselves.
What have you been keeping yourself from? What goal, ideal, or identity do you tell yourself is just not in the cards for you this time around? Are there limiting beliefs about yourself dumped on you by other individuals or collectives that you have integrated as your own? Are you ready to free yourself from these beliefs?
This ritual is designed to connect you with your core elemental Self to empower you to shine bright enough to break through the wall of oppressive patterns and beliefs one brick at a time.
Use what you have on hand in your home. Work with what you have, both in terms of physical items and knowledge and experience. Be more concerned with doing what is authentic to you than with what is “correct”. The most correct thing is the thing the you truly connect with and evolve through. You have everything you need.
Gather what you have of the following:
CLEANSER: sage, palo santo, incense, energy cleansing spray, selenite wand, a bell – whatever you use to clear the energy of your space is great.
IMAGES: Print outs or drawings of The Devil card and all four Aces (you’ll want to keep the actual cards in your deck to use for readings)
CANDLES: One 7-day ritual candle (the tall kind in glass) in any color but black (black is for clearing, new moons are for growing). If you don’t have ritual candles, you can use tea candles or simply follow the clearing, incantation, and visualization prompts.
CANDLE DRESSINGS: lemon oil and cayenne pepper. If you are using a ritual candle and it is pre-dressed, leave it be.
ADDITIONAL ITEMS: A small dish of water and one crystal for each Ace as well as any other symbolic items you wish to include. The stones matched with elements/suits in Elemental Power Tarot are Air/Aquamarine, Fire/Carnelian, Water/Emerald, Earth/Red Garnet. If you don’t have these, feel free to improvise with what you have on hand.
PRACTICAL THINGS: matches, a pen, a napkin or paper towel to wipe oil from your finger
Perform the ritual:
STEP 1: Clear the energy of your space, then close your eyes and take 3 deep cleansing breaths to ground yourself in space and time.
STEP 2: Place the candle in the center of your altar area, the images the Aces surrounding it with their crystals on top, and the dish of water in front of that (closest to you) on top of the image of The Devil card.
STEP 3: Place a drop of lemon oil on top of the candle and trace it around 3 times clockwise, then sprinkle a tiny bit of cayenne pepper on top. Lemon brightens and sharpens our senses and cayenne is empowering and motivating.
STEP 4: light the candle and say “I call upon the Elements - Air, Fire, Water, and Earth, to awaken in the core of my being and fill me with your energetic blessings. I am ready.”
STEP 5: Close your eyes and spend a few minutes regulating your breath - in for four counts, out for four counts. Once this rhythm is settled in your body, allow your breath to illuminate spheres of light along your central axis and it flows in and out of your body. A light blue orb at your throat, green orb at your heart, yellow/orange below your navel, deep red at the base of your spine. Notice if any of the lights are brighter than others and even them with your breath. Once your glowing orbs are all equal, leave them glowing while you allow your breath to flow naturally. Stay here as long as you like, then gently open your eyes. Repeat this visualization daily for 7 days. If you are using tea candles, dress and light a new one each day and repeat the incantation.
Eat Your Magick: Honey & Bergamot
As we look forward to Aquarius season and celebrate the beginning of the new year, let us dive in to the foods I’ve matched with The Star (the card associated with the sign of Aquarius) and The Fool (the card associated with Aquarius’ ruler, Uranus) - honey and bergamot.
The Eat Your Magick series invites you to engage with the powers of the Earth and wisdom of Tarot archetypes through common foods and spices you likely already have in your pantry.
When I began work on Elemental Power Tarot, I had already been working with kitchen magick for a very long time, more seriously in recent years with my dear friend, chef Courtney McBroom. We had that true complimentary partnership where we each possessed a high level of skill in an area the other had little to no knowledge of. She had never picked up a Tarot deck and my cooking repertoire was … limited. However, I did have a pretty good selection of herbs around that I used in spells and she used in cooking. So we started some experiments that continue to this day. It is because of these experiments that I felt it imperative to add an apothecary item - a magickal ingredient that helps awaken the wisdom of the archetype - to each card of the Major Arcana of Elemental Power Tarot.
As we look forward to Aquarius season and celebrate the beginning of the new year, let us dive in to the foods I’ve matched with The Star (the card associated with the sign of Aquarius) and The Fool (the card associated with Aquarius’ ruler, Uranus) - honey and bergamot.
Honey is the first food humans used to make life taste sweet. We’ve been eating it as long as history has been recorded and surely long before that. It never spoils. Ever. The hope for a better tomorrow following an ancient unbroken lineage of creation and nurturing promised by The Star is perfectly made manifest in the physical realm by honey. You can use it in spells to carry this energy onto candles and altars and every time you eat it, you can carry this energy right into your body.
Bergamot is a little citrus fruit that we most commonly encounter in earl grey tea - its brightness is so intense that we rarely find it roaming about our plates on its own. That concentration is exactly what makes it such a wonderfully joyful influence on the spirit. That radical trust and presence of The Fool can be scary, particularly for those more set in their ways or who require a higher level of stability and predictability in their lives. Bergamot helps to soothe these anxieties and show us the sunny side of trust in an unseen benevolent force in the Universe.
When you want to draw the wisdom of The Star and The Fool into your life, look to honey and bergamot. As we head into a new year still beset by pandemic and sweeping economic insecurity, we can use all the hope and joy we can get.
Full Moon in Cancer Ritual
Sun in Capricorn, Moon in Cancer. The axis of practicality and emotionality, the drive to work and the need to nurture. The sea goat pulls our minds to the surface, but the attention of our hearts remains in the depths, on the sea floor with the crab.
Sun in Capricorn, Moon in Cancer. The axis of practicality and emotionality, the drive to work and the need to nurture. The sea goat pulls our minds to the surface, but the attention of our hearts remains in the depths, on the sea floor with the crab.
Moon exact full at Tuesday, December 29th, 2020, at 7:28 PM PST.
Our closest relational sphere is activated by this moon, lighting up any issues that need tending. If you tend to regard your productivity as your top priority, you will receive a lesson on the importance of connection, of nurturing yourself and those around you. If your focus is naturally drawn to your emotional connections, watch for clues as to how your habits of the heart can be updated to match your current values.
The full moon in Cancer is our annual opportunity to edit and revise the story we allow our hearts to tell ourselves and others.
We are fast approaching the end of a calendar year nearly universally derided as The Worst. Many are eager to jump ahead and leave this all behind. As someone who experienced prolonged trauma early in life, I can tell you that is not only impossible, it is also undesirable. Our experience of this year is forever a part of us and our individual and collective stories - and that is a good thing! Observing ourselves in extreme conditions teaches us a lot about who we are, who we were, and who we want to be. We get to know ourselves more deeply and through that knowing we can tend to and express our needs more clearly and accurately.
What has made your heart most full this year? Was it something that surprised you? How have your relationships grown and evolved? Have any of them fallen or drifted apart? What did those experiences teach you about what you value in in yourself and others? Are your words and action in sync with these values? How can you love yourself more deeply now that you have this knowledge?
This ritual is designed to open communication with your heart to allow you to see and understand which of its habits to release and which to increase.
Use what you have on hand in your home. Work with what you have, both in terms of physical items and knowledge and experience. Be more concerned with doing what is authentic to you than with what is “correct”. The most correct thing is the thing the you truly connect with and evolve through. You have everything you need.
Gather what you have of the following:
CLEANSER: sage, palo santo, incense, energy cleansing spray, selenite wand, a bell – whatever you use to clear the energy of your space is great.
IMAGES: Print outs or drawings of The Chariot and The Devil cards (you’ll want to keep the actual cards in your deck to use for readings)
CANDLES: One pink and one black 7-day ritual candle (the tall kind in glass). If you don’t have ritual candles, you can use tea candles or simply follow the clearing, incantation, and visualization prompts.
CANDLE DRESSINGS: Rose oil and dried sage (any type). If you are using a ritual candle and it is pre-dressed, leave it be.
ADDITIONAL ITEMS: A small dish of water and any crystals or other symbolic items you wish to include. Ideally, one piece each of amethyst and rose quartz. If you don’t have these, feel free to improvise with what you have on hand.
PRACTICAL THINGS: matches, a pen, a napkin or paper towel to wipe oil from your finger
Perform the ritual:
STEP 1: Clear the energy of your space, then close your eyes and take 3 deep cleansing breaths to ground yourself in space and time.
STEP 2: Place the black candle in the center of your altar area, the image of The Devil card in front of it , and the dish of water in front of that (closest to you).
STEP 3: Place a drop of rose oil on top of the candle and trace it around 3 times clockwise, then sprinkle a tiny bit of crumbled dried sage on top. Rose opens and amplifies love and sage is an energetic and spiritual cleanser.
STEP 4: Place the amethyst on top of the image of The Devil.
STEP 5: light the candle and say “I open my heart to the universe in perfect trust that I will be shown and released from burdensome habits in love for myself and others.”
STEP 6: Close your eyes and spend a few minutes finding the most complete stillness you can. See a small, bright light glowing in your heart. Use your breath to grow the light in size and intensity until it completely surrounds your entire body. Observe little items and symbols floating through your heart field. As each of them catches the light, notice if they represent something you wish to release or take forward and use your breath to either draw them in or send them away. Continue until you have sorted through all of the symbols, then gently bring your consciousness back to the present and open your eyes. Repeat this visualization daily for 7 days. If you are using tea candles, dress and light a new one each day and repeat the incantation.
STEP 7: Once the black candle is burned all the way out, repeat the ritual using the pink candle, image of The Chariot, and rose quartz.
Winter Solstice Ritual
The longest night of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, the Great Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter, Sun in Capricorn, Moon Pisces into Aries.
Winter Solstice is my favorite day of the year. It is the Earth’s new year, an opportunity for us to dive deep into the darkest corners of our individual and collective psyches to discover what we want to bring forth into the light to grow with the lengthening days that follow. This year, the Great Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter falls on this day. The two planets are closer than they have been in over 800 years, forming an alliance of light that appears as a bright star in the sky.
The longest night of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, the Great Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter, Sun in Capricorn, Moon Pisces into Aries.
Winter Solstice is my favorite day of the year. It is the Earth’s new year, an opportunity for us to dive deep into the darkest corners of our individual and collective psyches to discover what we want to bring forth into the light to grow with the lengthening days that follow. This year, the Great Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter falls on this day. The two planets are closer than they have been in over 800 years, forming an alliance of light that appears as a bright star in the sky.
This Winter Solstice, I invite you to join me in drawing a line in the star dust and crossing over into an era of radical self-love and acceptance, release of expectations, and an embrace of community near and far.
We are experiencing trauma on a global scale that no one has experienced in 100 years. There is devastating loss of life, erosion of trust in systems meant to support us, vast isolation and loneliness, and revelation of the true nature of personal relationships. But this collective trauma is also an opportunity for us to recognize and embrace our inherent connection as humans. How do you want to meet that connection? What do you want to bring to the table? And what will you accept from it?
If you live in the Southern Hemisphere, you can adjust this ritual for your Summer Solstice by focusing on what you want to fully illuminate with this longest day of the year.
Use what you have on hand in your home. Work with what you have, both in terms of physical items and knowledge and experience. Be more concerned with doing what is authentic to you than with what is “correct”. The most correct thing is the thing the you truly connect with and evolve through. You have everything you need.
Gather what you have of the following:
CLEANSER: sage, palo santo, incense, energy cleansing spray, selenite wand, a bell – whatever you use to clear the energy of your space is great.
IMAGES: Print outs or drawings of The Moon and The Sun cards (you’ll want to keep the actual cards in your deck to use for readings)
CANDLES: Seven white tea candles. If you don’t have tea candles, you can use a 7-day white ritual candle or simply follow the clearing, incantation, and visualization prompts.
CANDLE DRESSINGS: Frankincense oil and dried chamomile flower (most easily procured by ripping open a chamomile tea bag). If you are using a ritual candle and it is pre-dressed, leave it be.
ADDITIONAL ITEMS: A small dish of water and any crystals or other symbolic items you wish to include. Ideally, one piece each of quartz crystal, citrine, and rose quartz. If you don’t have these, feel free to improvise with what you have on hand.
PRACTICAL THINGS: matches, a pen, a napkin or paper towel to wipe oil from your finger
Perform the ritual:
STEP 1: Clear the energy of your space, then close your eyes and take 3 deep cleansing breaths to ground yourself in space and time.
STEP 2: Place a candle in the center of your altar area. Place the images of The Moon and The Sun, one on each side. (If your first language reads left to right, place The Moon on the left, if it reads right to left, place The Moon on the right)
STEP 3: Place a drop of frankincense oil on top of the candle and trace it around 3 times clockwise, then sprinkle a tiny bit of crumbled dried chamomile flower on top. Frankincense strengthens Divine connection and chamomile flowers are symbolic of the sun.
STEP 4: Place the quartz crystal in front of the candle, the rose quartz on The Moon, and the citrine on The Sun.
STEP 5: light the candle and say “I bravely travel to the deepest and darkest corners of myself to find self-love, to retrieve what I need to grow and prosper, and to be one with the world, in the open, in the light.”
STEP 6: Close your eyes and spend a few minutes finding the most complete stillness you can. Use your breath to bring your consciousness deeper and deeper inside of your being until you are in complete darkness. Feel something appear in your hand. Keeping your hand closed, use your breath to bring your consciousness back into the present and - keeping your eyes closed - in your mind’s eye open your hand to see what you retrieved. Visualize yourself in a freshly tilled field. The object you retrieved has transformed into a seed. Plant the seed and thank the sun for shining its nourishing light to ensure it grows healthy and strong. Notice that the field is dotted with countless little mounds where others have planted their own seeds. Then gently bring your consciousness back to the present and open your eyes. Repeat this visualization daily for 7 days, dressing and lighting a new tea candle each day.
New Moon & Eclipse
Sun in Sagittarius, Moon in Sagittarius with a total solar eclipse. Intensity and hard endings with an optimistic promise of hope. While the eclipse is not visible for all of us, we definitely feel its push and pull.
Sun in Sagittarius, Moon in Sagittarius with a total solar eclipse. Intensity and hard endings with an optimistic promise of hope. While the eclipse is not visible for all of us, we definitely feel its push and pull.
Usually I post a ritual guide for every new and full moon. This one is different. So many of my friends and clients have been wrestling with feeling overwhelmed and unworthy. In this state, no one needs another task to invoke fear of failure. Instead, my only guidance for this new moon and eclipse is to allow.
What does it mean to allow? How do we do it?
From the outside, when we allow, it can look as if we aren’t doing anything at all. This is particularly true in an energetic or spiritual sense. When we allow in the wisdom and lessons offered to us through life and the Universe, we do not fight against them, we don’t question them or curse them, we don’t run from them. Ideally, we sit in stillness and observe the energy flowing through our beings and our reaction to it. This is easier said than done. The act of sitting in stillness and allowing takes practice and self-care. This is an excellent opportunity for both.
Give yourself as much quiet time as you can on Monday. Clear your schedule, move your calls. Wear comfortable clothes. If you need to clear clutter or do any cleaning to feel relaxed in your space, try to get that done on Sunday. It may not look like it, but allowing takes a lot of energy, so try to provide yourself everything you need in advance.
Have you ever had a headache with no ibuprofen in the house? When you have to just lie down and drink water and sort of wait for it to pass? That is kind of what this allowance is like, but for emotional and energetic waves.
There is no pill to take to lessen the impact of this eclipse. And you wouldn’t want to! The lessons eclipses bring, though they may be exhausting or painful in the moment, are extremely valuable. Another reason to allow them to flow through at their own pace.
Have a notebook and pen handy to jot down any thoughts or emotions that come through. They may not seem relevant in the moment, but they could provide great insight when you reflect on them later.
Whatever you usually do to reset and recharge will put you in the allowance zone. Meditation, taking a long bath, going for a run, sitting and staring into space, making a puzzle, coloring, listening to music. It’s different for all of us. If you begin to feel agitated or emotionally heavy, close your eyes and breathe through it, letting the sensation pass through.
A few witch tips to promote allowance:
Herbs: chamomile and lavender. These are calming and soothing and will help to alleviate tension and anxiety. Drink them in tea, wear as a fragrance, soak in them in a bath, whatever works. And speaking of baths…
Salt: salt is the master clearing agent of your pantry. I recommend pouring a LOT of sea salt or epsom salts in a hot bath to draw out anything this eclipse is trying to help you release.
Crystals: green calcite, selenite, lepidolite, rose quartz, and amethyst are all wonderful individually or in combination. Green calcite and lepidolite are excellent for easing stress and worry, selenite for energetic cleansing, rose quartz for heart opening and healing, and amethyst for purification and protection.
Tarot cards: You can draw a card asking what the Universe invites you to focus on or you can pull the Death card and The Star from your deck for inspiration. They are the centerpiece of my reading for the eclipse and a lovely combination for release and hope.
Full Moon & Eclipse Ritual
Sun in Sagittarius, Moon in Gemini with a penumbral lunar eclipse. While all full moons offer opportunities for closure, with a lunar eclipse added to the mix, the matters we are wrapping up can be even more emotionally potent than usual. The Sagittarius/Gemini axis brings forth situations that highlight truth and contradiction in our interactions with others, both being fairly social signs. This ritual is designed to help clear the fog and allow us to hold tricky dichotomies in peace.
Sun in Sagittarius, Moon in Gemini with a penumbral lunar eclipse. While all full moons offer opportunities for closure, with a lunar eclipse added to the mix, the matters we are wrapping up can be even more emotionally potent than usual. The Sagittarius/Gemini axis brings forth situations that highlight truth and contradiction in our interactions with others, both being fairly social signs. This ritual is designed to help clear the fog and allow us to hold tricky dichotomies in peace.
Use what you have on hand in your home. Work with what you have, both in terms of physical items and knowledge and experience. Be more concerned with doing what is authentic to you than with what is “correct”. The most correct thing is the thing the you truly connect with and evolve through. You have everything you need.
Perform the ritual:
STEP 1: Clear the energy of your space, then close your eyes and take 3 deep cleansing breaths to ground yourself in space and time.
STEP 2: Place the candle in the center of your altar area. Place the images of Temperance and The Lovers, one on each side.
STEP 3: Place a drop of lavender oil or vanilla extract on top of the candle and trace it around 3 times clockwise, then sprinkle a tiny bit of crumbled dried lavender flower on top or place the vanilla bean ay the base of the candle.
STEP 4: Place the black tourmaline, quartz crystal, and selenite around the candle and any stones corresponding to the cards on the cards.
STEP 5: light the candle and say “I welcome the end of an era and the coming of the next. I draw my energy in and await direction from the Universe on where and who to trust it with moving forward.”
STEP 6: Close your eyes and spend a few minutes finding the most complete stillness you can. Allow your body to take in just as much air as it needs, no more, no less. Check in with the various functions of your body, your nervous system, digestion, skeleton, your muscles, circulatory system, your eyes nose and ears. Note that they exist purely to keep you functioning, no one else. Your heart does not worry that its beating does or does not serve the needs of another. See how much you can pull your attention and awareness into your own body and observe it at work. Sit in observation as long as you like, then gently come back to the present moment and open your eyes. Repeat this visualization daily for 7 days.
Gather what you have of the following:
CLEANSER: sage, palo santo, incense, energy cleansing spray, selenite wand, a bell – whatever you use to clear the energy of your space is great.
IMAGES: Print outs or drawings of the Temperance card and The Lovers (you’ll want to keep the actual cards in your deck to use for readings)
CANDLES: Any color 7-day ritual candle in glass, whatever you feel drawn to. If you can’t get a ritual candle, tea candles work great. If you don’t have tea candles, simply follow the clearing, incantation, and visualization prompts.
CANDLE DRESSINGS: If your candles are pre-dressed, leave em be. If not, I like lavender (either oil or dried flower) and vanilla (a whole bean is ideal, but a drop of extract will do too) for this one. NOTE: vanilla extract very commonly has a high alcohol content so use VERY little.
ADDITIONAL ITEMS: A small dish of water and any crystals or other symbolic items you wish to include. Ideally, at least one piece each of black tourmaline, quartz crystal and selenite. In addition, a nice selection to match a stone with each card would be: peacock ore or fluorite for Temperance and tiger eye or tourmalined quartz for The Lovers. If you don’t have these, feel free to improvise with what you have on hand.
PRACTICAL THINGS: matches, a pen, a napkin or paper towel to wipe oil from your finger
New Moon Ritual
Sun in Scorpio, Moon in Scorpio. Death and rebirth. This new moon calls us to bring revolution to the deepest parts of our psyches, clearing the path for the new day ahead. This ritual helps us let go of energetic heaviness and clutter to invite abundance to flood our lives and hearts.
Sun in Scorpio, Moon in Scorpio. Death and rebirth. This new moon calls us to bring revolution to the deepest parts of our psyches, clearing the path for the new day ahead. This ritual helps us let go of energetic heaviness and clutter to invite abundance to flood our lives and hearts.
Use what you have on hand in your home. Work with what you have, both in terms of physical items and knowledge and experience. Be more concerned with doing what is authentic to you than with what is “correct”. The most correct thing is the thing the you truly connect with and evolve through. You have everything you need.
Perform the ritual:
STEP 1: Clear the energy of your space, then close your eyes and take 3 deep cleansing breaths to ground yourself in space and time.
STEP 2: Place the candle in the center of your altar area, a little toward the back. Around it, place the images of the four Aces. Directly in front of you, between yourself and the candle and Aces, place the Death card.
STEP 3: Place a drop of cedarwood oil on top of the candle and trace it around 3 times clockwise, then sprinkle a tiny bit of crumbled dried rosemary on top (If using fresh rosemary, place it in front of the candle).
STEP 4: Place the crystals on their corresponding card images. Place the small dish of water on the Death card as well.
STEP 5: light the candle and say “The road is clear for abundance and prosperity to flow easily to me in all forms. I gladly release the binds of the past to make room for my present and future.”
STEP 6: Close your eyes and spend a few minutes visualizing your being filling with golden light. See if you can grow the light with your breath until it envelops you body, the room, your home, your neighborhood, your city, region, the whole world. Once you’ve grown your light, let it become whatever size it wants to be, then imagine you are sitting in the middle of a vast green field. Flowers start to bloom around you, first a few at a time then more and more until the entire field is covered. Sit in the flower field as long as you like, then gently come back to the present moment and open your eyes. Repeat this visualization daily for 7 days.
Gather what you have of the following:
CLEANSER: sage, palo santo, incense, energy cleansing spray, selenite wand, a bell – whatever you use to clear the energy of your space is great.
IMAGES: Print outs or drawings of the Death card and all of the Aces (you’ll want to keep the actual cards in your deck to use for readings)
CANDLES: Green, orange, or gold 7-day ritual candle in glass. If you can’t get a ritual candle, tea candles work great. If you don’t have tea candles, simply follow the clearing, incantation, and visualization prompts.
CANDLE DRESSINGS: If your candles are pre-dressed, leave em be. If not, I like cedarwood oil and fresh or dried rosemary..
ADDITIONAL ITEMS: A small dish of water and any crystals or other symbolic items you wish to include. A nice selection to match a stone with each card would be: aquamarine or fluorite (Ace of Swords), aventurine (Ace of Cups), carnelian (Ace of Wands), garnet or quartz crystal (Ace of Coins), black tourmaline (Death). If you don’t have these, feel free to improvise with what you have on hand.
PRACTICAL THINGS: matches, a pen, a napkin or paper towel to wipe oil from your finger
Full Moon Ritual
Sun in Scorpio, Moon in Taurus. Death and The Hierophant. Both of these cards teach us versions of acceptance, release of control. This ritual helps to open that door and allow the lessons of the Universe to flow through us without pulling us down.
Sun in Scorpio, Moon in Taurus. Death and The Hierophant. Both of these cards teach us versions of acceptance, release of control. This ritual helps to open that door and allow the lessons of the Universe to flow through us without pulling us down.
Use what you have on hand in your home. Work with what you have, both in terms of physical items and knowledge and experience. Be more concerned with doing what is authentic to you than with what is “correct”. The most correct thing is the thing the you truly connect with and evolve through. You have everything you need.
Perform the ritual:
STEP 1: Clear the energy of your space, then close your eyes and take 3 deep cleansing breaths to ground yourself in space and time.
STEP 2: On the back of the image of the Death card write “I release willingly what Death clears away”. On the back of The Hierophant card write “I accept Divine teaching in all forms”
STEP 3: Place the black candle with the Death card and the white candle with The Hierophant card. (or one tea candle with each)
STEP 4: On top of the black/Death candle, place a drop of sesame oil and trace it around 3 times counter-clockwise then sprinkle a tiny bit of salt. On top of the white/Hierophant candle, place a drop of frankincense oil and trace it around 3 times clockwise then sprinkle a tiny amount of dried crumbled lavender flower.
STEP 5: Place any crystals or other significant items around the candles
STEP 6: light the candles (in whatever order feels right to you) and say “I am thankful for the lessons I understand and those I do not and trust that they all come to me in the form I need.”
STEP 7: Close your eyes and spend a few minutes visualizing your being filling with glowing light (whatever color comes in is perfect). See if you can grow the light with your breath until it envelops you body, the room, your home, your neighborhood, your city, region, the whole world. Repeat this visualization daily for 7 days.
Gather what you have of the following:
CLEANSER: sage, palo santo, incense, energy cleansing spray, selenite wand, a bell – whatever you use to clear the energy of your space is great.
IMAGES: Print outs or drawings of the Death and Hierophant cards (you’ll want to keep the actual card in your deck to use for readings)
CANDLES: If you have one black and one white 7-day ritual candle in glass, great. If not, tea candles work great. If you don’t have tea candles, simply follow the clearing, incantation, and visualization prompts.
CANDLE DRESSINGS: If your candles are pre-dressed, great. If not, I suggest using sesame oil and salt on the black one and frankincense oil and lavender on the other.
ADDITIONAL ITEMS: any crystals or other symbolic items you wish to include
PRACTICAL THINGS: matches, a pen, a napkin or paper towel to wipe oil from your finger